Probability distribution - Discrete and Continuous
Uniform Distribution
Expected values, Variance, and means
Gaussian/Normal Distribution
Properties, mean, variance, empirical rule of normal
Standard normal distribution and Z-score
Inferential Statistics
Central Limit Theorem
Hypothesis testing - Null and Alternate hypothesis
Type - I and Type - II error
Critical value, significance level, p-value
One-tailed and two-tailed test
T-test - one sample, two-sample, and paired t-test
One way and two way ANOVA
Chi-Square test
Module 4: Machine Learning
Introduction to Machine Learning
Introduction to Machine Learning and its types (supervised,
unsupervised, reinforcement learning)
Setting up the development environment (Python, Jupyter
Notebook, libraries: NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-learn)
Overview of the Machine Learning workflow and common data
preprocessing techniques
Introduction to data science and its applications
Definition of data science and its role in various industries.
Explanation of the data science lifecycle and its key stages.
Overview of the different types of data: structured,
unstructured, and semi-structured.
Discussion of the importance of data collection, data quality,
and data preprocessing.
Data Engineering and Preprocessing
Introduction to Data Engineering: Data cleaning, transformation,
and integration
Data cleaning and Handling missing values: Imputation, deletion,
and outlier treatment
Feature Engineering techniques: Creating new features, handling
date and time variables, and encoding categorical variables
Data Scaling and Normalization: Standardization, min-max
scaling, etc.
Dealing with categorical variables: One-hot encoding, label
encoding, etc.
Model Evaluation and Hyperparameter Tuning
Cross-validation and model evaluation techniques
Hyperparameter tuning using GridSearchCV and RandomizedSearchCV
Model selection and comparison
Supervised Learning - Regression
Introduction to Regression: Definition, types, and use cases
Linear Regression: Theory, cost function, gradient descent,
residual analysis, Q-Q Plot, Interaction Terms, and assumptions
Polynomial Regression: Adding polynomial terms, degree
selection, and overfitting
Lasso and Ridge Regression: Regularization techniques for
controlling model complexity
Evaluation metrics for regression models: Mean Squared Error
(MSE), R-squared, and Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
Hands-On-House Price Prediction
Supervised Learning - Classification
Introduction to Classification: Definition, types, and use cases
Logistic Regression: Theory, logistic function, binary and
multiclass classification
Decision Trees: Construction, splitting criteria, pruning, and
Random Forests: Ensemble learning, bagging, and feature
Evaluation metrics for classification models: Accuracy,
Precision, Recall, Fl-score, and ROC curves
Implementation of classification models using scikit-learn
Hands-On - Heart Disease Detection & Food Order Prediction
SVM, KNN & Naive Bayes
Support Vector Machines (SVM): Study SVM theory, different
kernel functions (linear, polynomial, radial basis function),
and the margin concept. Implement SVM classification and
regression, and evaluate the models.
K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN): Understand the KNN algorithm,
distance metrics, and the concept of K in KNN. Implement KNN
classification and regression, and evaluate the models.
Naive Bayes: Learn about the Naive Bayes algorithm, conditional
probability, and Bayes' theorem. Implement Naive Bayes
classification, and evaluate the model's performance
Hands-On - Contact Tracing & Sarcasm Detection
Ensemble Methods and Boosting
AdaBoost: Boosting technique, weak learners, and iterative
weight adjustment
Gradient Boosting (XGBoost): Gradient boosting algorithm,
Regularization, and hyperparameter tuning
Evaluation and fine-tuning of ensemble models: Cross-validation,
grid search, and model selection
Handling imbalanced datasets: Techniques for dealing with class
imbalance, such as oversampling and undersampling
Hands-On - Medical Insurance Price Prediction
Unsupervised Learning - Clustering
Introduction to Clustering: Definition, types, and use cases
K-means Clustering: Algorithm steps, initialization methods, and
elbow method for determining the number of clusters
DBSCAN (Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with
Noise): Core points, density reachability, and
Evaluation of clustering algorithms: Silhouette score, cohesion,
and separation metrics
Hands-On - Credit Card Clustering
Unsupervised Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Introduction to Dimensionality Reduction: Curse of
dimensionality, feature extraction, and feature selection
Principal Component Analysis (PCA): Eigenvectors, eigenvalues,
variance explained, and dimensionality reduction
Implementation of PCA using scikit-learn library
Hands-On - MNIST Data
Recommendation Systems
Introduction to Recommendation Systems:
Understand the concept of recommendation systems, different
types (collaborative filtering, content-based, hybrid), and
evaluation metrics.
Collaborative Filtering: Explore
collaborative filtering techniques, including user-based and
item-based approaches, and implement a collaborative filtering
Content-Based Filtering: Study content-based
filtering methods, such as TF-IDF and cosine similarity, and
build a content-based recommendation system.
Deployment and Future Directions: Discuss the
deployment of recommendation systems and explore advanced
topics in NLP and recommendation systems.
Hands-On - News Recommendation System
Reinforcement Learning
Introduction to Reinforcement Learning:
Agent, environment, state, action, and reward
Markov Decision Processes (MDP): Markov
property, transition probabilities, and value functions
Q-Learning algorithm: Exploration vs.
exploitation, Q-table, and learning rate
Hands-on reinforcement learning projects and
Hands-On - Working with OpenAI Gym
Developing API using Flask / Webapp with Streamlit
Introduction to Flask / Streamlit web framework
Creating a Flask / Streamlit application for ML model
Integrating data preprocessing and ML model
Designing a user-friendly web interface
Deployment of ML Models
Building a web application for Machine Learning
Creating forms, handling user input, and displaying results
Deployment using AWS (Amazon Web Services):
Setting up an AWS instance, configuring security groups, and
deploying the application
Deployment using PythonAnywhere: Uploading
Flask application files, configuring WSGI, and launching the
Project Work and Consolidation
Work on a real-world Machine Learning project:
Identify a problem, gather data, and define project scope
Apply the learned concepts and algorithms:
Data collection, preprocessing, model building, and evaluation
Deployment of the project on AWS or PythonAnywhere:
Showcase the developed application and share the project with
Presentation and discussion of the project:
Demonstrate the project, explain design decisions, and receive
Module 5: NLP
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Introduction to NLP: Understand the basics of
NLP, its applications, and challenges.
Named Entity Recognition (NER): Understand
the various approaches and tools used for NER, such as
rule-based systems, statistical models, and deep learning.
Text Preprocessing: Learn about tokenization,
stemming, lemmatization, stop word removal, and other
techniques for text preprocessing.
Text Representation: Explore techniques such
as Bag-of-Words (BoW), TF-IDF, and word embeddings (e.g.,
Word2Vec, GloVe) for representing text data.
Sequential Models: Introduction to RNN, LSTM,
Hands-on Keras LSTM.
Sentiment Analysis: Study sentiment analysis
techniques, build a sentiment analysis model using supervised
learning, and evaluate its performance.