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Week 3-4: Styling with CSS and Bootstrap
Day 1-3: Introduction to CSS
- CSS syntax, selectors, and properties
- CSS layout techniques
Day 4-5: Bootstrap Basics
- Responsive design with Bootstrap
- Bootstrap components and grid system
Week 5-6: Introduction to JavaScript
Day 1-3: JavaScript Basics
- Syntax, variables, data types, and operators
- Control flow and loops
Day 4-5: DOM Manipulation
- Manipulating the DOM
- Updating HTML content and styles dynamically
Week 7-8: Advanced JavaScript and ES6+
Day 1-3: ES6 Features
- Arrow functions, template literals, destructuring
- Classes and modules
Day 4-5: Asynchronous JavaScript
- Promises and async/await
- Fetch API for making HTTP requests
Week 9: Introduction to Full Stack Development and the MERN Stack
Day 1-2: Overview of Full Stack Development
- Full stack development concepts
- Roles and responsibilities
Day 3-5: What is the MERN Stack?
- Introduction to MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js
- Benefits of using the MERN stack
Week 10: Prerequisites and Setting Up the Development Environment
Day 1-2: Prerequisites
- Basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
- Familiarity with command line and version control (Git)
Day 3-5: Setting Up the Development Environment
- Installing Node.js and npm
- Setting up a text editor (VSCode recommended)
- Introduction to Git and GitHub
- Installing MySQL
Week 11-12: MySQL
Day 1: Introduction to MySQL Databases
Day 2-3: MySQL Basics
- Collections and Documents
- CRUD Operations
Day 4-5: Advanced MySQL
- Indexing
- Aggregation
- Relationships
- Connecting MySQL with Node.js
- Using MySQL for data modeling
Week 13-14: Express.js
Day 1: Introduction to Express.js
- What is Express.js?
- Setting up an Express server
Day 2-3: Routing in Express.js
- Creating Routes
- Route Parameters
- Middleware
Day 4: Handling Requests and Responses
Day 5: Working with Middleware
- Built-in Middleware
- Third-party Middleware
- Custom Middleware
- Building RESTful APIs
- CRUD Operations with Express and MongoDB
- Error Handling in Express
Week 15-16: React.js
Day 1: Introduction to React.js
- What is React?
- Setting up a React Project with Create React App
Day 2-3: React Basics
- Components and Props
- State and Lifecycle
- Event Handling
- Conditional Rendering
Day 4: Advanced React
- Hooks (useState, useEffect, useContext)
- Context API
- React Router for SPA (Single Page Applications)
Day 5: State Management
- Redux
- Context API with useReducer
- Connecting React with Backend
- Fetch API
- Axios
- Component Libraries and UI Frameworks
- Material-UI
- Bootstrap
Week 17-18: Node.js
Day 1: Introduction to Node.js
- What is Node.js?
- Node.js Modules
Day 2-3: Asynchronous Programming in Node.js
- Callbacks
- Promises
- Async/Await
Day 4: File System Module
- Reading and Writing Files
Day 5: Working with npm
- Installing and using packages
- Creating custom scripts
- Building a Simple Server with Node.js
- HTTP Module
- Handling Requests and Responses
Week 19-20: Integrating the MERN Stack
Day 1-2: Building a Full Stack Application
- Setting up the project structure
Day 3-4: Connecting Frontend and Backend
- Creating RESTful API with Express
- Fetching data from API in React
Day 5: Authentication and Authorization
- JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
- Session Management
Week 21-23: Final Project
Day 1-3: Building a Complete MERN Stack Application from Scratch
Day 4-5: Implementing Features Learned Throughout the Course